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The Coronation Roll
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The Crowning of The King 

Watch the Crowning of The King

All the congregation and Her Majesty The Queen then stood for the Crowning of The King as the Archbishop moved to the High Altar. Raising aloft the St Edward’s Crown the Archbishop prayed: “King of kings and Lord of lords, bless we beseech thee this Crown, and so sanctify thy servant Charles upon whose head this day thou dost place it for a sign of royal majesty, that he may be crowned with thy gracious favour and filled with abundant grace and all princely virtues; through him who liveth and reigneth, supreme over all things, one God, world without end.”

The congregation declared “Amen!”

The Archbishop then approached The King in the Chair of St Edward, and reverently and silently crowned him with the Crown of St Edward which had been brought to the Chair by the Dean of Westminster. Standing back onto the Cosmati Pavement the Archbishop declared 

“God Save The King!”

All people in the Abbey acclaimed loudly

“God Save The King!”

Immediately, the trumpets of the Coronation Brass Ensemble sounded with Strauss’s Wiener Philharmoniker Fanfare. The Abbey bells rang and Gun Salutes were fired in Horse Guards Parade by The King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery. This was accompanied by Gun Salutes at His Majesty’s Fortress of the Tower of London fired by the Honourable Artillery Company, and at all Saluting Stations throughout the United Kingdom, Gibraltar, Bermuda and on ships at sea.

King Charles III is crowned with St Edward's Crown by the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby during his coronation ceremony in Westminster Abbey, London
Victoria Jones/PA